Tucson Heart and Stroke Walk 2015


Old Pueblo Acupuncture



We are pleased to announce that Old Pueblo Acupuncture is a proud partner of the American Heart Association.  This partnership is a first for the AHA Tucson and we are so honored to be the first Acupuncture clinic to establish this relationship.  It is a tremendous step towards the integration of Eastern and Western medicine in Tucson.  Both have so much to offer the other, but especially for people with heart related conditions that have access to and utilize both.

Together with the Tucson chapter of the American Heart Association, we are building awareness around heart health and prevention, and helping those with heart disease find the resources and solutions they need.   Old Pueblo Acupuncture is a great resource as we can help with many types of heart related issues such as: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, poor blood circulation, and stroke recovery.   To find out more call us to schedule your free consultation at (520) 722-9101.

You can find us at this year’s Heart Walk taking place on May 3 at Reid Park. (Find more information here: http://heartwalk.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1111931)  We will have an informational booth where we will be happy to answer your questions.  Here are some of the heart related conditions we work with:

High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol



Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

Stroke Recovery

Poor Circulation and Neuropathy

Preventative Health

We have experience with these heart and cardiovascular conditions and would be happy to work with you and your doctors to find alternate forms of treatment.   We treat both the symptoms and more importantly the underlying causes of the disease.  Many of the treatments today focus only on symptoms.  We like to get to the root and eliminate it.  Be free of medications and live a happy and healthy life.  Call today to learn more at (520) 722-9101  or come out Sunday May 3 to Reid Park and meet us and be apart of this great fundraising event.  Take care of your heart and be well!

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